Etymology of local geological formations
in Austria and her surroundings

(under construction)
Abbreviations for Austrian districts
- Series: Holocene = Alluvium
- Series: Pleistocene = Diluvium
- Würm: river W Munich
- Riß: river S Ulm
- Mindel: river between Ulm and Augsburg
- Günz: river between Ulm and Mindel
- Donau: Europe's second-largest river
Subsystem: Neogene
- Series: Pliocene
- Series: Miocene
- Stage: Pontium (also considered as Pliocene)
- Stage: Pannonium (Roman province in E-Austria and W-Hungary) (also considered as Pliocene)
- Stage: Sarmatium (ancient people of East Europe)
- Stage: Badenium (town S of W)
- Stage: Karpatium (mountain range in eastern Central Europa)
- Stage: Helvetium (ancient people in Switzerland)
- Stage: Ottnangium (town N of VB)
- Stage: Eggenburgium (town E of HO)
- Stage: Egerium (town near Miskolc, Hungary) (also considered as upper Oligocene)
Subsystem: Paleogene
- Series: Oligocene
- Series: Eocene
- Flysch: upper Laab Formation (town in MD, SW of W) = Agsbach Formation (creek N of Klausenleopoldsdorf BN)
- Flysch: upper Greifenstein Formation (town S of Stockerau TU) - "Grifo's Castle"
- Flysch: Gablitz Formation (town NW of Purkersdorf WU) - Slav. "kápljica" = dripping stream
- Series: Paleocene
- Flysch: lower Laab Formation (see above) = Hois Formation (farm house SE of St.Corona/Schöpfl BN)
- Flysch: lower Greifenstein Formation (see above)
- Flysch: upper Altlengbach Formation (town S of Neulengbach PL)
- Flysch: upper Sievering Formation (suburb of W, district #19)
- Calc.Alps: Upper Gosau Formation (town S of Bad Ischl GM) = Zwieselalm Formation (SW of Gosau GM)
- Series: Upper Cretaceous
- Flysch: lower Altlengbach Formation (see above)
- Flysch: lower Sievering Formation (see above)
- Flysch: Kahlenberg Formation (hill in N W, district #19)
- Flysch: Perneck Formation (farm house W of KI)
- Flysch: Hütteldorf Formation (suburb of W, district #14)
- Flysch: Kaumberg Formation (town E of Hainfeld LF)
- Calc.Alps: Lower Gosau Formation (see above)
= Nierental Formation (valley between Berchtesgaden and Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria)
- Calc.Alps: upper Losenstein Formation (town at river Enns SE)
- Series: Lower Cretaceous
- Flysch: Reiselsberg Formation (hillside at river Halblech ENE of Füssen, Bavaria, after SCHAFHÄUTL 1851, info from F. Mattern, Berlin)
- Flysch: Wolfpassing Formation (town E of TU)
- Flysch: upper St.Veiter Klippen (suburb of W, district #13),
upper Ybbsitzer Klippen (town AM, E of Waidhofen/Y.)
- Calc.Alps: Untere Losenstein Formation (see above)
- Calc.Alps: Roßfeld Formation (ridge E of Berchtesgaden, Bavaria)
- Calc.Alps: Tannheim Formation (town W of RE)
- Calc.Alps: Schrambach Formation (creek S HA)
- Whole Jurassic: Flysch: St.Veiter Klippen (see above), Ybbsitzer Klippen (see above)
- Series: Malm
- Calc.Alps: Tressenstein Limestone (mountain N of BA)
- Calc.Alps: Plassen Limestone (mountain W of Hallstatt GM)
- Calc.Alps: Steinmühl Limestone (village ESE WY, after TRAUTH 1950)
- Calc.Alps: Ruhpolding Formation (town in Chiemgau TS, Bavaria)
- Calc.Alps: Oberalm Formation (suburb of HA)
- Series: Dogger
- Calc.Alps: Klaus Limestone (meadows S Plassen GM)
- Calc.Alps: Upper Allgäu Formation (region in SW Bavaria)
- Series: Liassic
- Ultrahelveticum: Gresten Formation (town W of SB)
- Calc.Alps: Lower Allgäu Formation (see above)
- Calc.Alps: Adnet Limestone (suburb of HA)
- Calc.Alps: Hierlatz Limestone (peak S of Hallstatt GM)
- Series: Upper Triassic
- Calc.Alps: Schattwald Formation (town W of RE)
- Calc.Alps: Kössen Formation (town N of KB)
- Calc.Alps: Königsberg Formation (plateau S of St.Gilgen SL)
- Calc.Alps: Dachstein Limestone (massif between Hallstatt GM and Schladming LI)
- Central Alpine: Hansennock Dolostone (mountain S of Stadl/Mur MU)
- Calc.Alps: Hallstatt Limestone (town S of Bad Ischl GM)
- Calc.Alps: Zlambach Formation (creek N of Hallstatt GM)
- Calc.Alps: Pötschen Formation (pass N of Hallstatt, E Zlambach GM)
- Calc.Alps: Aflenz Limestone (town N of BM)
- Calc.Alps: Raibl Formation (town S of Tarvisio, Italy - now called Cave del Predil)
- Calc.Alps: Raingraben / Reingraben Formation (valley E Rohr i.Geb. WB)
- Calc.Alps (NE): Lunz Formation (town a river Ybbs SB)
- Calc.Alps (NE): Opponitz Formation (town S of Waidhofen/Y. AM) - Slav."sopotnica" = small waterfall
- Central Alpine: Kapellen Slate (town NW MZ)
- Series: Middle Triassic
- Calc.Alps: Wetterstein Limestone and Dolostone (range S of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria)
- Calc.Alps: Ramsau Dolostone (town W of Berchtesgaden, Bavaria)
- Calc.Alps: Steinalm Limestone (meadows NE of Saalfelden ZE)
- Calc.Alps: Reifling Limestone (town N of Hieflau LI) - Slav. "rybnika" = fish creek
- Calc.Alps: Partnach Formation (river S of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria)
- Calc.Alps: Schreieralm Formation (meadows between Gosau und Plassen Mountain GM)
- Calc.Alps: Gutenstein Limestone (town at river Piesting WB)
- Calc.Alps: upper Reichenhall Formation (town W of S)
- Central Alpine: Stangalm Formation (meadows S of Königstuhl peak in Nock Mountains SP)
- Central Alpine: Thörl Limestone (town N of BM)
- Series: Lower Triassic
- Calc.Alps: lower Reichenhall Formation (see above)
- Calc.Alps: Werfen Formation (town N of Bischofshofen JO)
- Central Alpine: Semmering Quarzite (pass W of Gloggnitz NK)
- Central Alpine: upper Rannach Formation (region S of Mautern LN)
- Central Alpine: Lantschfeld Quarzite (meadows SW Radstädter Tauern TA)
- Calc.Alps: Präbichl Formation (pass between Eisenerz and LE)
- Central Alpine: lower Rannach Formation (see above)
- Central Alpine: Tattermann Slate (pass S of Preiner Gscheid, NE of MZ)
- Central Alpine: Alpine Verrucano (mountain near Pisa, Italy)
- Pal. of MU: Werchzirm Formation (meadows E of Königstuhl, W of Turrach MU)
- Series: Upper Carboniferous
- Pal. of MU: Königstuhl (peak W of Turrach MU/TA/SP) and Paal Conglomerate (valley S of Stadl/Mur MU)
- Pal. of G: Dult Formation (town E of Gratkorn GU)
- GWZ: Eisenerz Formation (town NW of LE)
- GWZ: Silbersberg Greywacke (hill N of Gloggnitz NK)
- Series: Lower Carboniferous
- GWZ: Triebenstein Formation (mountain at Triebener Tauern JU)
- Pal.of G: Sanzenkogel Formation (?)
- Series: Upper Devonian
- GWZ: upper Wildfeld Limestone (mountain N of Mautern LN)
- Pal.of G: Dornerkogel Sequence (mountain NE of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of G: Steinberg Limestone (town W of Graz GU)
- Series: Middle Devonian
- GWZ: lower Wildfeld Limestone (see above)
- Pal.of G: upper Laufnitzdorf Sequence (town N of Frohnleiten GU)
= Harrberg Formation (farm house S of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of G: middle Laufnitzdorf Sequence (see above) = Schattleiten Formation (farm house N of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of G: Schöckl Limestone (mountain N of G)
- Pal.of G: Hochlantsch Limestone (mountain S of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of G: Tyrnauer Alm Formation (meadows NE of Frohnleiten GU)
- Pal.of G: Kanzel Limestone (hill SE of Gratkorn GU) = Größkogel Limestone (hill NE of Frohnleiten GU)
- Pal.of G: Heuberg Limestone (hill NE of Frohnleiten GU)
- Pal.of G: Aibel Formation (mountain NE of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of G: Hochschlag Formation (mountain E of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of MU: Grebenzen Limestone (mountain SW Neumarkt MU)
- Series: Lower Devonian
- GWZ: Reiting Limestone (peak W of Trofaiach LN), Polster Limestone (peak NE of Präbichl pass LN)
- Pal.of G: Raasberg Sequence (mountain NE of WZ), Arzberg Formation (town NW of WZ)
- Pal.of G: lower Laufnitzdorf Sequence (see above) = upper Hackensteiner Formation (farm house near Laufnitzdorf GU)
- Pal.of G: upper Kher Formation (region W of Gratwein GU)
- Pal.of G: Häuslerkreuz Formation (chapel E of Breitenau BM)
- Pal.of MU: Oberwölz Dolostone (town NE of MU)
- Pal.of MU: Mühlen Sequence (town SE of Neumarkt MU)
- Pal.of MU: upper Auen Group (valley SW of Laßnitz SV)
- GWZ: Rad Schist (branch of Großveitsch valley MZ)
- GWZ: Lower Klinglerkar Formation (see above)
- GWZ: Löhnersbach Formation (right tributary of river Saalach S Saalbach ZE)
- Pal.of G: lower Laufnitzdorf Sequence (see above) = lower Hackensteiner Formation (see above)
- Pal.of G: lower Kher Formation (see above)
- Pal.of MU: Pranker Metapsammite (peak SW MU)
- Pal.of MU: lower Auen Group (see above)
- Series: Upper Ordovician
- GWZ: Polster Quarzite (peak NE of Präbichl pass LN)
- Pal.of MU: Golzeck Slate (mountain SW of Laßnitz SV)
- Pal.of MU: Eisenhut Slate (peak E of Turrach MU)
- GWZ: Blasseneck Porphyroide (mountain NW of Schober Pass LI)
= Mandlkogel Porphyroide (hill NW of Kitzeck in Sausal LB)
- GWZ: upper Gerichtsgraben Group (valley between Eisenerz and Präbichl pass LN)
= Upper Jausern Formation (village in Glemm Valley SE Saalbach ZE)
= Wildschönau Schists (valley S Wörgl KU)
- Series: Lower Ordovician
- GWZ: lower Gerichtsgraben Group (see above)
Not proven in Austria.
Not proven in Austria.
- Series: Sinian = ? Wendian (?)
- Series: Riphäicum
Erathem: ARCHAIC
Austria's provinces are abbreviated as follows:
Bgld....Burgenland ("Castle Country")
NÖ...Lower Austria
OÖ...Upper Austria
Sbg....Salzburg ("Salt Castle")
Tir....The Tyrol
Austria's administrative districts are abbreviated as follows:
AM...Amstetten, NÖ
B ...Bregenz, Vbg.,
BA...Bad Aussee (part of LI), Stmk.,
BL...Bruck / Leitha, NÖ,
BM...Bruck / Mur, Stmk.,
BR...Braunau, OÖ,
BZ...Bludenz, Vbg.
DL...Deutschlandsberg, Stmk.,
DO...Dornbirn, Vbg.
E ...Eisenstadt (Pol.Dion.), Bgld.,
EF...Eferding, OÖ,
EU...Eisenstadt (BH), Bgld.
FB...Feldbach, Stmk.,
FE...Feldkirchen, Ktn.,
FF...Fürstenfeld, Stmk.,
FK...Feldkirch, Vbg.,
FR...Freistadt, OÖ
G ...Graz (Pol.Dion.), Stmk.,
GB...Gröbming (part of LI), Stmk.,
GD...Gmünd, NÖ,
GF...Gänserndorf, NÖ,
GM...Gmunden, OÖ,
GR...Grieskirchen, OÖ,
GS...Güssing, Bgld.,
GU...Graz (BH), Stmk.
HA...Hallein, Sbg.,
HB...Hartberg, Stmk.,
HE...Hermagor, Ktn.,
HL...Hollabrunn, NÖ,
HO...Horn, NÖ
I ...Innsbruck (Pol.Dion.), Tir.,
IL...Innsbruck (BH), Tir.,
IM...Imst, Tir.
JE...Jennersdorf, Bgld.,
JO...Sankt Johann / Pongau, Sbg.,
JU...Judenburg, Stmk.
K ...Klagenfurt (Pol.Dion.), Ktn.,
KB...Kitzbühel, Tir.,
KF...Knittelfeld, Stmk.,
KI...Kirchdorf / Krems, OÖ,
KL...Klagenfurt (BH), Ktn.,
KO...Korneuburg, NÖ,
KR...Krems (BH), NÖ,
KS...Krems (Pol.Dion.), NÖ,
KU...Kufstein, Tir.
L ...Linz (Pol.Dion.), OÖ,
LA...Landeck, Tir.,
LB...Leibnitz, Stmk.,
LE...Leoben (Pol.Dion.), Stmk.,
LF...Lilienfeld, NÖ,
LI...Liezen, Stmk.,
LL...Linz (BH), OÖ,
LN...Leoben (BH), Stmk.,
LZ...Lienz, Tir.
MA...Mattersburg, Bgld.,
MD...Mödling, NÖ,
ME...Melk, NÖ,
MI...Mistelbach, NÖ,
MU...Murau, Stmk.,
MZ...Mürzzuschlag, Stmk.
ND...Neusiedl / See, Bgld.,
NK...Neunkirchen, NÖ
OP...Oberpullendorf, Bgld.,
OW...Oberwart, Bgld.
P ...Sankt Pölten (Pol.Dion.), NÖ,
PE...Perg, OÖ,
PL...Sankt Pölten (BH), NÖ
RA...Bad Radkersburg, Stmk.,
RE...Reutte, Tir.,
RI...Ried / Innkreis, OÖ,
RO...Rohrbach, OÖ
S ...Salzburg (Pol.Dion.), Sbg.,
SB...Scheibbs, NÖ,
SD...Schärding, OÖ,
SE...Steyr (BH), OÖ,
SL...Salzburg (BH), Sbg.,
SP...Spittal / Drau, Ktn.,
SR...Steyr (Pol.Dion.), OÖ,
SV...Sankt Veit / Glan, Ktn.,
SW...Schwechat (WU), NÖ,
SZ...Schwaz, Tir.
TA...Tamsweg, Sbg.,
TU...Tulln, NÖ
UU...Urfahr-Umgebung, OÖ
VB...Vöcklabruck, OÖ,
VI...Villach (Pol.Dion.), Ktn.,
VK...Völkermarkt, Ktn.,
VL...Villach (BH), Ktn.,
VO...Voitsberg, Stmk.
W ...Wien,
WB...Wiener Neustadt (BH), NÖ,
WE...Wels (Pol.Dion.), OÖ,
WL...Wels (BH), OÖ,
WN...Wiener Neustadt (Pol.Dion.), NÖ,
WO...Wolfsberg, Ktn.,
WT...Waidhofen / Thaya, NÖ,
WU...Wien-Umgebung, NÖ,
WY...Waidhofen / Ybbs, NÖ,
WZ...Weiz, Stmk.
ZE...Zell / See, Sbg.,
ZT...Zwettl, NÖ
Cities have their own administration and police department (Pol.Dion.).
Their surroundings are have a separate district administration (BH).
Responsible for the content:
Christof Kuhn
Last modified: April 26, 2007